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Saint Florian Parish

Saint Florian
We the parishioners at Saint Florian Roman Catholic Parish, while preserving elements of our Polish heritage, serve Americans and immigrants of many ethnic backgrounds through prayer, example and good works. Through the spiritual and social activities of the Parish, we seek to be a beacon to all Gods people.
Florian was born about 250 A.D. in Cetium (now in Austria). He joined the Roman army and advanced in the ranks. However, the Emperor Diocletian was shocked to learn that Florian did not carry out his orders to persecute all Christians in the area, and, thus, was sentenced to death by fire.
Standing on the funeral pyre, Florian is reputed to have challenged the Roman soldiers to light the fire, saying If you do, I will climb to heaven on the flames. Apprehensive to his words, instead of burning Florian, they drowned him. His body was later retrieved by Christians and buried at an Augustinian monastery near Lorch.
Saint Florian was adopted as patron saint of Poland after Pope Lucius III consented to the request of King Casimir to send relics of Florian to that country. Soon after, a person was saved from a fire by invoking Saint Florians name. Since then, Florian has been invoked against fire and has generally been regarded in most countries as the patron saint of the fire service.
St. Florians feast day is May 4th.
Mission Statement
Saint Florian Roman Catholic Parish, while preserving elements of our Polish heritage, serve Americans and immigrants of many ethnic backgrounds through prayer, example and good works. Through the spiritual and social activities of the Parish, we seek to be a beacon to all Gods people.
Adoramus Music Group
- Track 1 - Przyjaciela Mam Adoramus 3:44
- Track 2 - Hetmanka Adoramus 3:41
- Track 3 - Drzewo Krzyza Adoramus 3:34
- Track 4 - Dales Nam Siebie Adoramus 3:20
- Track 5 - Dzieki Panie Za Twa Laske Adoramus 2:25
- Track 6 - Wzywam Cie Adoramus 2:53
- Track 7 - Zyje Nie Ja Adoramus 3:15
- Track 8 - Rozpiety Na Ramionach Adoramus 3:50
- Track 9 - Chlebie Najcichszy Adoramus 3:25
- Track 10 - Oto Ja Adoramus 5:07
Society of Christ
The charism of the Society of Christ consists in serving the Polish Diaspora thorough the world. We build up the Church through the personal witness of a holy life, by spreading the devotion of the Holy Mass, administering the sacraments. By fulfilling its mission in the Catholic Church, the Society of Christ Fathers for Poles Living Abroad takes part in the apostolate of caring for the souls of Polish people who live outside the borders of Poland.
Spirituality of the Society of Christ Fathers, which follows from monastic and priestly life, is based on the charism of its founder – Servant of God Cardinal August Hlond – as well as the Society”s mission.